Experienced OUI Defense
In Massachusetts police officers use field sobriety tests to determine whether to make an arrest for OUI. You are not legally obligated to take field sobriety tests and refusal to take a field sobriety test cannot be admitted into evidence for an OUI trial. If you did take a test and are now charged with OUI, the next step is to hire a Massachusetts criminal defense lawyer who has experience handling field sobriety test evidence.
We can build a strong defense on your behalf. At DiBella Law Offices, P.C., our team has an ample understanding of the proper administration of field sobriety tests and the methods for challenging their accuracy.
Do not hesitate to reach out to us to arrange a free initial consultation and let us get started on your defense.
Give us a call today to discover how we can assist you.
Three Standard Field Sobriety Tests
Failure to perform field sobriety tests properly can provide evidence of intoxication. However, with our skill in the field of criminal defense, we may be able to contest the test results. Our attorney can determine if the field sobriety tests were administered properly and challenge the fairness and accuracy of the results.
The three standardized field sobriety tests that are regularly administered are the:
- Nine-step walk and turn
- One-leg stand
- Horizontal gaze and nystagmus (“the pen test”)
There are a number of factors which may be considered, including:
- Did your age, weight, physical fitness or medical condition prevent you from performing the tests accurately?
- Was the administration of the test affected by weather or roadside conditions?
- Were the tests administered appropriately?
- Were the tests scored properly?
Arrested for OUI? Contact a Massachusetts Attorney
Field sobriety tests can be flawed in their administration and accuracy. Talk to a drunk driving defense attorney in Massachusetts who understands how they work and which defenses to use in your case. To speak with our experienced legal staff and schedule a free initial consultation with our lawyer, call us now at (978) 327-5140.
We have offices in Burlington, Boston, and Methuen and we offer Spanish translation services, when needed.
We've offered crucial support and guidance to individuals who have suffered injuries, ensuring their financial and emotional well-being.
Additional Information
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